Monday, June 6, 2011

Harry Potter fangirl outed

I'm sure I'm not the only one but I'm really excited about the final Harry Potter movie! I read all the books (many times) and it was torture waiting a whole year for the next one to come out! Then came the movies and again the painful 12 month wait for the next one. To ease these painful times I would reread the books and get together with friends to discuss the stories and characters and draw maps of Hogwarts. Yes, many a night over a cold beer we'd be caught drawing on napkins and coasters and arguing about where the Quidditch pitch was in relation to Hagrids house! And when I got home I'd dream about my adventures with Harry, Ron and Hermione! Yes, I reread all the books, many times and loved it. Before each new book came out I'd reread all the books. Before the next movie came out I'd reread all the books and rewatch the movies (yes, I am prone to extremes). Of course, as the books got longer and longer and the movies were coming out during the wait for the last 3 books - there was a lot of reading and watching to do so I slacked off a bit. Now I don't tend to reread every book before the new movie comes out but I always reread the book before and the book of the movie about to come out. And I watch the movie before the one about to come out. I did this last year before watching Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1 at Gold Class and I'll do it again for part 2 coming out in July.

What has this 12 year journey of books and movies added to my life? So many things really. I feel like they're part of me. I feel connected and close to them. I feel like they're my friends. They taught me to have courage, believe in yourself and your friends, love owls, take chances and so much more. I feel quite emotional that this movie is the final installment. If there were more books and movies coming out I would read and watch them all with just as much enthusiasm. Is this kind of extreme commitment to something a form of escapism or something more?


  1. Yes, I posted a similar's been quite a journey and very appropriate to have the last "first" for HP in Gold Class...I've booked!

  2. I also have my Gold Class tickets as they went on pre sale at my local cinema. Bring it on!

  3. I felt a sense of emptiness when I read the last HP instalment, and I'll feel exactly the same when I see it as well. I felt the same when Buffy finished, when Star Trek The Next Generation ended and when The Wire ended. But- you never know what the future will bring!

  4. I too have enjoyed the same revisiting of things HP before the new book/movie was released and am so sad it's all about to end. I have also infected Kid1 & 2 with this - and every 6 mths or so we have HP marathons where we watch the HP movies 1 to 7....
